
When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.

Cover your Internet Tracks
Concerned about someone finding out where you’ve been on the internet?
Web browsers like Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and Firefox are designed to leave traces behind that indicate where you’ve been and what you’ve been looking at on the Internet. It’s hard to absolutely guarantee that your activity on the Internet can’t be traced at all, but here are some simple things you can do to reduce the chances that someone looking through your computer will find out what you’ve been reading. In general, you want to erase two things:
- Your Cache (this is where the computer stores copies of files you’ve recently looked at with your web browser)
- Your History List (this is a single file containing the addresses of the places you’ve recently visited)
If you use...
Google Chrome
- In the top-right corner of the browser window, click the Chrome menu.
- Select ‘history’.
- Click the button ‘clear browsing data’. A dialog box will appear.
- From the drop-down menu, select how much history you want to delete. To clear your entire browsing history, select the beginning of time.
- Check the boxes for the data you want Chrome to clear, including ‘browsing history.’
- Click the button ‘clear browsing data.’
Internet Explorer
- Open the ‘tools’ menu and select ‘internet options’.
- Select the ‘general’ tab at the top.
- In the section called ‘temporary internet files,’ click on ‘delete files.’
- Your cache will now be cleared.
- On the same screen, in the section called ‘history,’ click on ‘clear history.’
- Your history list will now be cleared.
- If there is a lot of sites on your list, this might take a few moments.
- Note that clearing the cache and history in Internet Explorer also automatically clears your address bar.
- Open the ‘tools’ menu, select ‘options.’
- Select the ‘privacy’ tab located on the left side of the menu bar.
- Select the ‘history’ tab and click on ‘clear.’
- Your history will now be cleared.
- Select the ‘cache’ tab and click on ‘clear’
- Your cache will now be cleared.
- Note that clearing the cache and history in Firefox automatically clears your address bar as well.

There is also another option
called “Clear all information stored while browsing.”
To clear all information:
- Select ‘clear all information stored while browsing’ tab and click ‘OK.’
- A dialogue box will pop up to confirm that you are about to erase all information.
- Click ‘OK.’
Important tip!
Sexual Assault Centres, Crisis Lines, And Support Services

Sexual Assault Centre for Quinte & District (Belleville)
- 1-877-544-6424
- (613) 967-6300
Sexual Assault Support Services for Women (Cornwall)
- English 1-877-461-8192
- French 1-866-336-2433
- 1-613-932-1755
Sexual Assault Centre (Kingston)
- 1-877-544-6424
Rape Crisis Centre (Ottawa)
- 24hr crisis line 1-613-562-2333
- Office 1-613-562-2334
Sexual Assault Support Centre (Ottawa)
- 24hr crisis line 1-613-234-2266
- Office 1-613-725-2160
- TTY 1-613-725-1657
Ameilia Rising Sexual Assault Centre (North Bay)
- 24hrs crisis line 1-705-476-3355
- Office 1-705-840-240
Ontario Coalition Rape Crisis Centres (website)
- www.ocrcc.ca1-877-544-6424
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan
- Administration: 613-625-2800
- Health Centre: 613-625-2259
- 1675A Mishomis Inamo, Pikwakanagan
- Health services and prevention programs
- Child and family services and counselling
- (click on administration)
Minwaashin Lodge
- 613-741-5590
- Crisis Line: 1-855-789-9433 or 613-789-1141
- 100-1155 Lola St, Pikwakanagan
- Offers counselling for abuse (past or current), trauma, couple/relationship issues and more
- Recognition of Residential School Legacy and cultural beliefs and values
Oshki Kizis Healing Lodge
- 1-613-789-1141
- Located in Ottawa
- Part of Aboriginal Women’s Support Centre
- Shelter for Aboriginal and Inuit women and children
Ojibway Women’s Lodge
- Located in North Bay
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1-800-387-2465
- Counselling: 1-705-472-0233
- Shelter for abused women and children
- Includes culturally sensitive services for Aboriginal women
- Transitional Housing Support: 1-705-472-0233
- Anishinabek Police: 1-705-472-0270
Legal Assistance of Windsor
- Indigenous Justice Support, led by the Indigenous Justice Coordinator (IJC), provides support and advocacy for Indigenous clients who are experiencing legal problems in all areas of law practiced at LAW.
- 443 Ouellette Ave. Suite 200 Windsor, ON N9A 4J2
- Tel: 519-256-7831
- Monday – Friday: 9:00am-4:30pm
WEFiGHT provides direct and indirect services to internationally and domestically trafficked men, women and children experiencing forced labour, sex trafficking and those trafficked through marriage.
- If you have any questions or would like to consult with WEFIGHT call 519-256-7831 and ask for WeFight
Renfrew County Regional Assault Care Program
- 1-800-363-7222 (24hr)
- Connects you with an Assault Response Team (ART) Nurse
- Provides health support, emotional support and crisis support for women, children and men of all ages
- Provides health care, pregnancy tests and STI (sexually transmitted infections) tests
- You may choose to have evidence collected which can be stored or submitted as part of an assault report
- This is a confidential program, except in cases where the client is under the age of 18
- You do not have to go through the Emergency Department (call first)
- Tell the ART Nurse if you need transportation, with authorization the cab fare to and from the hospital will be covered
- You can access this program at any of the local hospitals in Renfrew County
Local Hospitals
- Arnprior: 613-623-3166
Arnprior & District Memorial Hospital: 350 John St. North, Arnprior K7S 2P6
(If ART nurse is unavailable you may have to go to Renfrew or Pembroke)
- Barry’s Bay: 613-756-3044
St. Francis Memorial Hospital: 7 St. Francis Memorial Dr, Barry’s Bay K0J 1B0
(If ART nurse is unavailable you may have to go to Renfrew or Pembroke)
- Deep River: 1-888-571-8168 | ER: 613-584-3333 ex. 172
Deep River and District Hospital: 117 Banting Dr, Deep River K0K 1P0
(If ART Nurse is unavailable you may have to go to Renfrew or Pembroke)
- Pembroke: 613-732-2811
Pembroke Regional Hospital: 705 MacKay St, Pembroke K8A 1G8
(ART Nurse on call 24hrs; seen within 1 hr, call ahead)
- Renfrew: 1-800-363-7222 | 613-432-4851
Renfrew Victoria Hospital: 499 Raglan St, Renfrew K7V 1P6
(ART Nurse is on call 24hrs; seen within 1 hr, call ahead)
Renfrew County & District Health Unit
- 1-800-267-1097, 613-732-8666 (Health Information), 613-732-3629 (Reception)
- 7 International Dr, Pembroke
- Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30 (closed at noon)
Tele-Health Ontario
- 1-866-797-0000
Ottawa Sexual Assault/Partner Abuse Care Program
- 1-613-798-5555 ext. 13770
- Ottawa Hospital- Civic Complex, 1053 Carling Ave. East-main, Ottawa
- Christine Wood, Assistant Co-ordinator
- For adult victims (16 or older)
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
- 1-613-737-7600
- 401 Smyth Rd, Ottawa
- For children (0-18 years)
Aids Committee of Toronto
- 1-416-340-2437 | 1-416-340-8484
- Information hotline for AIDS concerns
- Email:
Aids Hotline
- 1-800-668-2437
- Toll-free, anonymous and confidential AIDS information, support and referral line
Morning After Pill
- You do not need a prescription
- There is no cost or forms to complete
- Call your local pharmacy to request it (availability may vary)
Renfrew County Virtual Triage Assessment Centre
- 1-844-727-6404
- The Renfrew County Virtual Triage Assessment Centre (RCVTAC) is a collaboration between Renfrew County Primary Care teams, the County of Renfrew Paramedic Service, Renfrew County Hospitals and the Renfrew County and District Health Unit
- A primary care solution to reduce the demand on Emergency Departments and provide Renfrew County residents, who do not have a family physician or cannot access their family physician, with the appropriate level of care when they have any health concerns.
Renfrew Country Legal Clinic
- 1-800-267-5871
- 1-613-432-8146
- Provides free service (in specific areas) to lower income Residents of Renfrew County who meet financial eligibility guidelines
- Call the Renfrew office 1-800 number to make an appointment if necessary
- By appointment only
- Mental Health Services, 129 Mary St., Unit C
Barry’s Bay
- By appointment only
- Tyerman & Daughters, 19336 Opeongo Line
- 4th Monday of the month 10:00 – 12:00
- By appointment only
- 454 Miller Street (Zion Lutheran Chuch)
- Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:00 – 12:00
Renfrew (Main Office)
- By appointment only
- #101-236 Stewart Street
- Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9:00 – 4:00
- Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00
General Advice Clinic
- Free advice regarding criminal and civil matters
- No appointment necessary. First come, first served. Up to 20 minutes each
- Pembroke Court House, 297 Pembroke St. E
- Fridays 9:30-12:00
- Service Ontario, 315 Raglan St. S
- 4th Monday of month 10:00-12:00
Legal Aid Ontario
- 1-800-668-8258
- A program which ensures that people in Ontario are able to receive legal representation or advice even though they may not be able to pay for it themselves.
- Call to apply Mon-Fri 8:00-5:00
- Will provide assistance for low-income individuals in Ontario
Victim Witness Assistance Program
- 1-613-732-2035
- 1-866-439-5734 (Ministry of the Attorney General)
- Pembroke Courthouse, 297 Pembroke St. E, Suite 0611
- Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00
- Assists victims and witnesses of crimes who may be required to attend court
- Provides assistance with courtroom practices and procedures
- Gives emotional support before, during and after court appearances
Family and Children’s Services (Children’s Aid)
- 1-613-735-6866
- Intake assessments if neglect and abuse
- Counselling for children and families only on referral
- Foster care recruitment, training and support
- Emergency and specialized care homes
- Adoption
Lawyer Referral Service
- 1-800-268-8326
- Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00
- To assist with the selection of a lawyer in your area and half hour free consultation time.
- Tell them if you are calling due to domestic violence, from a shelter, in custody, under age 18, or unable to wait 3 days or don’t have a call back number
- There is no charge for crisis services
- Long wait times are possible
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Asexual, Pansexual, Two-Spirited, Queer and Questioning people (and more)
LGBT Youth Help Line
- 1-800-268-9688
Renfrew County Sexual Assault Centre
- 1-800-663-3060 (24hr)
PFLAG (Parents, Friends of Lesbians & Gays)
- 1-888-530-6777
- A national voice that speaks for a more accepting Canadian society by providing support, education and resources on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity
- Renfrew County Chapter: 1-800-530-6777 ext. 572 and
Kind Space
- 1-613-563-4818
- Gay/Lesbian community in Ottawa
Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition
- 1-416-324-4100
- Medical needs for gays and lesbians
Trans Lifeline
- 1-877-330-6366
- 10:00am-4:00pm every day of the week
- Hotline staffed by transgender people, for transgender people
- 24-hour, multilingual, toll-free phone line for immediate crisis and referral services at 1-866-887-0015
Victim Services Renfrew County
- 1-877-568-5730 | 1-343-361-3269
Community Mental Health Services of Renfrew County
- Intake Line: 1-800-991-7711
- 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Line: 1-866-966-0991
- Leave a message if busy or after hours
- Calls will be returned within one business day
- Short and long-term counselling for sexual assault survivors, childhood sexual assault survivors, and survivors of abuse
- A person can self-refer and a health card covers the cost
North Renfrew Family Services
- 1-613-584-3358
- Provides long and short-term counselling for family, marital, grief and childhood trauma issues
- Financial assistance available in crisis situations
- Library with resources and videos is available
*There are no abortion services available in Renfrew County
Ottawa Hospital-Civic Campus
- Women’s Health Clinic, 1053 Carling Ave East, Ottawa
- 1-800-267-9933 OR 613-738-8400 ext. 81725
- Call for appointment
Planned Parenthood
- 222 Somerset St, Ottawa
- 1-613-226-8955
- or email
- Free and completely confidential (can use fake name)
- Offers education, counselling and referral services to assist people in making informed sexual and reproductive health choices
- Pro-choice, supportive, LGBTQA+ positive and youth positive organization that promotes healthy sexuality
North Bay/Parry Sound District Health Unit
- Sexual Health Centre- The Clinic, 681 Commercial St
- 1-800-563-2808 OR 1-705-474-1400 ext. 2289
- Call to book a free, confidential appointment
- Call for clinic times
- Provides pro-choice options, counselling and referrals
- Will refer to local OBGYN for abortions
Morgentaler Clinics (Private)
- Toronto: 1-800-556-6835
- Ottawa Reception: 1-613-567-8300, Ottawa Appointments: 1-613-567-3360
- 24hr Line: 1-416-932-0446
- or email
- Very good taped information recordings at the 1-800 number
- Well equipped for abortions up 10 17 weeks
- No doctor referral is necessary and no legal age limits
- No consent needed from parents, guardians or partner/husband
- No charge with valid OHIP number (partial cost if out of province)
- They will talk with the woman privately at the clinic to ensure that she has been given all of her options around the pregnancy, and to ensure that she fully understand the procedure
*These services are run by volunteers. It may take several calls before you get through to someone, keep trying.
Arnprior & District Food Bank
- 1-613-668-4462
- St. John Chrysostom, 295 Albert St
- Mondays 9:30am-12:00pm (closed 1st Monday of the month and holidays)
Madawaska Valley Food Bank
- 1-613-756-1014
- Serving Barry’s Bay, Palmer Rapids, Madawaska and Whitney
- 8 Martin St, Barry’s Bay
- 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 9:30-11:30am
Deep River Food Bank
- 1-613-584-3333 ex. 7910 (leave a message)
- 117 Banting Dr (behind Deep River Hospital)
- Mondays 10:00am-12:00pm (except for holidays)
Eganville Food Bank
- 613-401-5785 (Gale Edmunson) and 613-754-2119 (Doug Davies)
- 165 John St, Eganville
- 3rd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 10:00am-12:00pm
St. Joseph’s Food Bank
- 613-732-3807 and 613-735-5601
- Holy Name Catholic Church, 295 First Ave
- Monday 9:30am-12:30pm (Tuesday if Monday is a holiday)
Cobden District Food Bank
- 1-613-647-7801
- 58 Main St, Cobden
- Mondays 9:00am-12:00pm
- Call for appointment
Killaloe Food Bank
- 1-613-757-2801
- 12 North St (rear entrance)
- Every second Tuesday 3:30-5:30pm (exact dates on Facebook page ‘Killaloe Food Bank’
Petawawa Pantry
- 1-613-687-1616
- 3468-B Petawawa Blvd (in Bridgeway Mall)
- Tuesdays 1:00-4:00pm and Thursdays 6:00-8:00pm
The Sharing Place-Enaji Madinamage Midjm
- 1-613-635-1904
- 11185 Highway 60, Golden Lake
Community Mental Health Services of Renfrew County
- Intake Line: 1-800-991-7711
- 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Line: 1-866-966-0991
- Leave a message if busy or after hours
- Calls will be returned within one business day
- Short and long-term counselling for sexual assault survivors, childhood sexual assault survivors, and survivors of abuse
- A person can self-refer and a health card covers the cost
North Renfrew Family Services
- 1-613-735-2374
- Available by phone Mon-Fri 9:00am-3:00pm
- Counselling available for children and their family
- Francophone services available
- Day treatment programs (Valleycrest- Renfrew & Pembroke)
- Puppet program
- CPAN (Child Poverty Action Network) backpack program
Robbie Dean Family Counselling Centre
- 1-613-629-4243
- Please call for information/support or email
- If you are in a crisis please call the Community Mental Health Services 24hr Crisis Line: 1-866-996-0991
Women’s Sexual Assault Centre
- 24hr Support & Crisis Line: 1-800-663-3060
- Office: 613-735-5551
- Visit website for more information and links at
Pathways- Alcohol & Drug Treatment Services
- 1-888-241-1135
- Provides addiction related counselling to individuals, families and children on an outpatient basis
- Arnprior: 613-623-9837
- Pembroke: 613-732-0151
- Renfrew: 613-432-8573
- Mothersafe Program: #202-39 Renfrew Ave West, 1-888-241-1135 or 613-633-8573. Specifically for women with alcohol and drug issues who are pregnant or who have small children (under 6 years)
Addiction Treatment Services
- 1-800-265-0197 or 613-432-9855, Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:00pm
- 510 Raglan St North, Renfrew
- For any kind of addiction (drug, alcohol, gambling etc.)
- Renfrew is the central intake line
- Call the main office (Renfrew) for all locations and hours
- Barry’s Bay – Tuesday
- Deep River/Golden Lake – Friday
- Pembroke – Monday to Friday
- Arnprior – Wednesday
- Petawawa – Wednesday
MacKay Manor
- 1-877-8194181 or 613-432-4946
- Residential recovery home for men who have alcohol and drug related issues
- 196 Argyle St South
- Men must commit to the following: 3-6 month stay, detoxification (72 hours required), regularly attend AA or NA meetings, participate in daily support groups and maintain good physical fitness and hygiene
- Call for more information, Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:00pm
Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre
- 1-613-563-0363
- 488 Willbrod St, Ottawa
- Offers alternative addiction services to women (day program)
Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline
- 1-888-230-3505
- Provides 24/7 information about gambling treatment, resources and credit and debt counselling in Ontario
Centre for Addiction & Mental Health (CAMH)
- 1-800-463-2338
- Switch board staffed 24/7: 1-416-535-8501
Narcotics Anonymous
- 1-888-811-3887
- Meeting schedules available at
- There are meetings in Pembroke and Renfrew
Alcoholics Anonymous
- 1-877-746-7360
- or
Bernadette McCann House
- 255 Maple Ave North, Pembroke
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1-800-267-4930 or 613-732-3131
- Business Line: 613-732-7766 (Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm)
- Women’s shelter and support services
- Provides emergency transportation to get women to the shelter and other emergency services
- Outreach program which offers one-on-one counselling and group support
- Children have access to children’s programs to deal with witnessing the abuse
Lanark Interval House
- 24 hr Crisis Line: 1-800-267-7046 or 1-613-257-5960
- Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-866-863-0511
- Provides emergency transportation and shelter for abused women and their children
- Available to women experiencing abuse in any form
- Outreach program offered for community support specifically for sexual assault
Shelter Safe
- Links to shelters anywhere in Canada (Pembroke is located in the Kingston section of the map)
- Safety planning information
- Information on how to hide internet usage
Columbus House (Residential Program)
- 1-888-393-3832
- Boy’s residence: 613-732-2791, Girl’s residence: 613-732-8977
- For young women and men
- Ages 16 to 21 years, attending school, unable to live at home
- Seeks to improve the quality of life for youth in Renfrew County by providing structured, supportive and safe residential and day programs in a Christian environment while pursuing their education and training
Shelters in Ottawa
Youth Services Bureau
- 1-613-729-1000
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1-613-260-2360
- Emergency 24/7 shelter for young women and men (ages 12-21)
- Non-profit housing program for ages 16-21
- Will provide shelter for people in crisis
Cornerstone Women’s Shelter
- 1-613-237-4669
- For women who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
- Ages 18 years and up
Harmony House
- 1-613-223-3386
- Second stage, transitional, supportive residence
- For women and children fleeing violence
Maison D’Amitie
- 1-613-747-0020 | 1-877-336-2433
- Emergency shelter and counselling for abused Francophone women and children
Nelson House
- 1-613-225-3129
- Emergency shelter for abused women and children
Chrysalis House
- Located in Kanata
- 1-613-591-5901
- Office: 1-613-591-5991 ex. 221
- Distress Centre: 1-613-238-331
- Emergency shelter for women and children
Oshki Kizis Healing Lodge
- Located in Ottawa
- Part of Aboriginal Women’s Support Centre
- Shelter for Aboriginal and Inuit women and children
Shelters in Quebec
Shelters for women and children who are victims of spousal abuse.
L’Autre Chez Soi
- Located in Aylmer
- 1-819-685-0006
Maison Unies-Vers-Femmes
- Located in Gatinaeu
- 1-819-568-4710
Centre Mechtilde
- Located in Hull
- 1-819-777-2952
Francophone Counselling Services
Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre
- 1-613-741-6025
- Renfrew County Satellite
- Support for abused Francophone women
- 1-613-789-8096
- Located in Ottawa
- Will accept reversed charges
- Services for Francophone women who want short and long term counselling regarding sexual assault
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1-877-336-2433 | 1-866-863-0511
- Central help line for Francophone women
- Emotional support, safety planning, guidance and referral
Oasis Centre Des Femmes
- 1-416-591-6565
- Toronto women’s centre
- Counselling services
WEFiGHT provides direct and indirect services to internationally and domestically trafficked men, women and children experiencing forced labour, sex trafficking and those trafficked through marriage.
- If you have any questions or would like to consult with WEFIGHT call 519-256-7831 and ask for WeFight
Victim Services Renfrew County
- 1-877-568-5730 | 1-343-361-3269
The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking
- 1-833-993-7867
- crisis response to people being human trafficked
- referrals to social service providers and law enforcement (as requested)
- tip receipt and reporting
- general information provision
- tools and resources to build community responses to trafficking
in the
Being a teenager can be challenging and confusing. You may be dealing with a lot of changes, pressures and personal issues. This information is designed with you in mind. We’ve checked out resources in Renfrew County and further out into the world wide web and collected the most information-packed, interesting, “For Youth” websites and information.

Knowing about birth control, reproductive options & emergency contraception is part of taking care of yourself and your well being.
- there are many forms of birth control to choose from
- only condoms, female condoms and dental dams help protect against STD’s & STI’s, but will not protect you from everything!
- if you are pregnant, there are options: keep the baby, place the baby for adoption or end the pregnancy.
For support or more information:
- Support & Crisis Line 1-800-663-3060
- (local sexual health clinics)
Liking and caring for your body isn’t always easy. As a teenager your body is changing, and there is constant pressure to fit in to what your friends, school mates and the “media” say is cool. Low self-esteem and poor body image is a real and common concern among young women. Feeling critical of yourself or of your body may come from day to day influences of friends, mates or the media, or may be triggered by other issues like abuse. It is not unusual for teenagers who have low self-esteem to harm themselves or develop disordered eating. It is important to recognize that these are serious (and dangerous) issues.
For support or more information:
- Support & Crisis Line 1-800-663-3060
Before deciding if, when and what you will tell others about your sexual identity, you may want to consider:
- How comfortable are you with your sexuality?
- Who are you going to tell? (Trust your instincts about how they will react and how supportive they will be)
- Who are you going to tell first?
- How much information you have and want to share.
- Your safety.
- Emotional & financial supports you have.
A reality about gender and sexual diversity is that you may face negative reactions, but the PROBLEM IS NOT YOU. Fear and hatred is a product of ignorance, and lack of understanding
Be proud of who you are. Remember you deserve to be loved and accepted.
For support or more information:
- Support & Crisis Line 1-800-663-3060
Experimentation with drugs and alcohol is a common part of teen culture. Teenagers experiment for a lot of reasons- not just “peer pressure”. Drugs and alcohol can affect your judgment and you might take risks you would otherwise avoid. The important thing is to understand yourself, your reason and HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF from drug related illness and disease, including addiction and HIV/AIDS, unplanned pregnancy, vulnerability to sexual assault & rape drugging.
For Support or more information:
- Support & Crisis Line 1-800-663-3060
From the safety of their home or office, a stalker can find out details about you, including your phone number, address and family details. It seems strange to think a person you only know through the internet can be dangerous, but Cyber-stalking is real and can take place without your knowledge.
Stalking means: harassing or threatening behavior like following a person around chat rooms, showing up at their house or work, harassing phone calls or messages.
Know what you can do to protect yourself from internet stalkers. Learn to recognize danger signs and report people who are abusive or appear to be a danger.
Relationships are complicated, but whether it’s your parents, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, boss, teacher, or any other person in your life you have the right to be safe and respected!
Recognizing what’s healthy and what’s not can help you decide how to handle a situation.
- Mutual Respect
- Mutual Trust
- Mutual Support
- Relaxed and Easy going
- Finding Fault
- Trying to change the person
- Jealousy, Controlling
- Lies, manipulation, secrets, physical, emotional, sexual or verbal abuse
Sex Should be Healthy, Consensual & Fun!
It’s normal and natural to have sexual feelings- it’s part of life! For a lot of youth, being a teen means experimenting with SEX. Before you decide whether or not to have SEX, you may want to understand how to protect yourself from Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) and unplanned pregnancy.
It’s a good idea to consider that having SEX may change your relationship with your partner. Be sure this is what you want and that you understand your beliefs about sex and sexuality, and KNOW YOUR OPTIONS. Yep, options…
There’s more to sex than “SEX”!!! Kissing, Grinding, Mutual Masturbation, Oral Sex, Phone Sex, sexting…..
We are all sexual beings, but only you can answer the question:
What is your sexual orientation?
Are you…questioning? It’s not unusual to question your sexuality, especially when you’re a teenager.
Maybe you identify as Transgender, Intersexed, Heterosexual, Bisexual, Gay, Queer, Lesbian… Two Spirited.
There is no time limit on deciding or defining your sexual identity, and you may change your mind and that’s OK.
Getting informed and talking about sexuality is the best way to understand yourself, your friends and the issues that you or others may be facing.
- 500,000 youth, ages 15-25, attempt suicide each year.
- #1 cause of teen suicide is untreated depression.
- Suicide attempts seem impulsive, but 8/10 people have hinted about or mentioned their plans before trying it.
- People considering suicide may change their mind if they talk about the issues.
- Aboriginal, Gay and Lesbian teens are often at higher risk because of their social and family environment or community.
- Suicide is permanent. Find someone that you trust to talk with.