
Volunteering with the Women’s Sexual Assault Centre offers you a unique and rewarding opportunity to join other compassionate individuals committed to working towards the prevention of sexual violence.
Our volunteer program is flexibly designed, allowing you to be as active and involved while working around your schedule. Our vital services remain available as a result of compassionate and empathetic volunteers, like you!
If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.
Dalai Lama XIV
Volunteer Requirements
Over 18 years of age;
Have not been a client of WSAC for a minimum of 1 year;
- Commitment to volunteering for a minimum of 6 months (we ask for volunteers to commit to at least 3 shifts per month);
Willingness to learn what working in an anti-racist anti-oppressive intersectional feminist environment consists of
As a vounteer with us
You will have the opportunity to support staff at various events and campaigns, as well as provide in centre support and engage in outreach opportunities.

If you are interested in volunteering with WSAC, send an email request to our Volunteer Coordinator. If we are not currently recruiting for new volunteers, your application will be held until our next round of recruitment and you will be contacted at that time to schedule a telephone screening interview.
Volunteer Board Members
(Treasurer and General Members)
Role Requirements
- Ideal candidates will possess a strong interest in working towards RCSAC’s vision of a “community free from sexual violence,” and an alignment with RCSAC’s values.
- Candidates must demonstrate commitment, leadership, strategic thinking, decision-making, and integrity.
- Previous experience as a board member/knowledge of governance is an asset.
- Individuals interested in the treasurer role also require experience in financial reporting, non-profit budgeting, oversight, and financial planning.
Length of Term
- Renfrew County Sexual Assault Centre is seeking members to commit to a two-year term.
- The successful candidates must be able to commit approximately 3-5 hours per month for meetings and work, on behalf of RCSAC
- The Board of Directors will meet monthly for 2-3 hours.
In addition, the successful candidates must also attend:
- Annual General Meeting in June
- Regular subcommittee meetings
Please email your resume and a letter of intent to director@rcsac.org